I read an informative article from Wikipedia, The Free (online) Encyclopedia.
After reading Wiki's text, I refine'da my concept of the word 'eros.' According 2 Wikipedia, the word 'eros' is of ancient Greek orgin.
I wonder...is this term (eros) associated with roses?
Is it my mind that would connect the word 'erowtic' with 'rose'? Imagery of red roses surrounded by 'baby's breath' flowers, finds my fancy like a red dart...or love-d'art, before the term 'prose' reaches me. I think of John Staimos, I think of clouds, and pale pink roses...am I guilty of associating J.Staimos with 'eros' and flowers?
I do not believe the Greeks associated pink candy hearts, and sweetheart baby-roses with Valentines Day...yet, I have read that the Greeks are associated with the personified figure of 'eros' as Eros or Cupid.
Cupid IS associated with sweetheart candy and flowers.
The word 'eros' is associated with 'love,' especially in poetry, and the written Arts...in medical fields, the term is associated with 'life energy,' which sounds essential, and less Art-derive'da.
Why am I interested in 'eros' personified?
I fancy poetic description...
eros lifts love-d'arts
2 send a message true
above night-winds the message fluw
a song of love
from me 2 you...
Can 'eros' send a message of love thru a song?
Can I modify 'Love at first sight' 2 Dance with me, 2 Music of the night?
Of Deviant Note: Artemis the huntress,
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